Dr. Tim Morrissey Biography
Dr. Tim Morrissey is a CEO, entrepreneur, and materials science expert who founded Artimus Robotics and Snow Visa. He is also passionate about content creation, teaching, and travel. Learn more at tgmorrisesy.com.
Short (<100 Words)
Dr. Tim Morrissey is a multidisciplinary entrepreneur with extensive experience both leading and executing alongside small teams. Tim’s experiences span five years as the cofounder and CEO of a venture-backed robotics company (ArtimusRobotics.com), to content creator (YouTube.com/tgmorissey), to consumer products (SnowVisa.com), to 15 years of highly technical engineering and materials science work (PhD Mechanical Engineering, scholar.tgmorrissey.com). Tim is equally comfortable souring and closing sales, managing a P&L, or going deep on the hardest technical problems. You can learn more about Tim at tgmorrissey.com and drop him a line at Tim@tgmorrissey.com.
Medium (<400 Words)
Dr. Tim Morrissey is a multidisciplinary entrepreneur with extensive experience both leading and executing alongside small teams. Tim is equally comfortable sourcing and closing sales, managing a P&L, or going deep on the hardest technical problems.
Tim confounded and served as the CEO of Artimus Robotics (ArtimusRobotics.com), a venture-backed, University of Colorado, Boulder spin-out (2018). He led the team to over $5M in combined fundraising and revenue, securing 13 government contracts, over 30 commercial partnerships and shipping over 1000 highly technical physical products. Tim’s other business endeavors include Snow Visa (SnowVisa.com), a consumer product to improve avalanche safety of backcountry snow sports and content creation through a revenue producing and occasionally sponsor-supported Youtube channel (YouTube.com/tgmorissey).
Before finding his way to entrepreneurship, Tim was focused on research and academia, having earned a B.S. in Ceramic Engineering from Alfred University (2011), and an M.S and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science track from the University of Colorado Boulder (2016 and 2019 respectively). Tim has extensive scientific research experience from time spent at Oak Ridge, Argonne, and Brookhaven National Laboratories. His research has spanned energy efficient ceramic sintering, to ocean wave energy capture, to ballistic armor, to new electromechanical systems (HASEL actuators), with a theme of his research being the impact of electrical energy on material systems (scholar.tgmorrissey.com). Tim also worked at CoorsTek Inc in Golden, Colorado during his early engineering career.
Tim’s success in science and business can be in part contributed to his teaching experiences which includes preschool, children’s science camps, math tutoring, lead-teaching assistant, and English as a second language, some of which have allowed Tim to live abroad for extended periods in the mountains of Chamonix, France, and rural Thailand.
Tim balances his professional life with hobbies such as the restoration of a vintage truck camper (and video documented the entire process on YouTube), traveling both domestically and internationally, and skiing every month of the year for the past 6 years (turns all year!). Tim lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife, Elyse, and two young sons.
Tim’s superpower is that he is both communicative and coachable and his personal motto is “Celebrate success, acknowledge defeat, and grow”. You can learn more about Tim at tgmorrissey.com or start the conversation at Tim@tgmorrissey.com.
Long (the dissertation)
Dr. Tim Morrissey is a multidisciplinary entrepreneur with extensive experience both leading and executing alongside small teams. Tim’s experiences span 5 years as the cofounder and CEO of a venture backed robotics company (ArtimusRobotics.com), to content creator (YouTube.com/tgmorissey), to consumer products (SnowVisa.com), to 15 years of highly technical engineering and materials science work (PhD Mechanical Engineering, scholar.tgmorrissey.com). Tim is equally comfortable sourcing and closing sales, managing a P&L, or going deep on the hardest technical problems.
Tim was the CEO and cofounder of Artimus Robotics (AritmusRobotics.com), a University of Colorado, Boulder spin-out (2018) where he lead the team though over $5M in combined fundraising and revenue, securing 13 government contracts, over 30 commercial partnerships and shipping of over 1000 highly technical physical products. Over the nearly five years of leadership of Artimus, Dr. Morrissey oversaw the development of a patent portfolio of 13 patents, hundreds of customer conversations, and most importantly, provided an environment for his team of 13 employees to be empowered and fulfilled on a daily basis. Artimus Robotics continues to operate and bring forward new sensation and motion solutions to this day, with Tim cheering from the sidelines.
In 2021, Tim launched Snow Visa, (SnowVisa.com) a consumer product to improve avalanche safety of backcountry snow sports which is sold both direct to consumer as well as in mountaineering shops such as Neptune Mountaineering in Boulder, Colorado. Snow Visa has been featured in Colorado media outlets such as 5280. Snow Visa continues to help folks stay safe in the backcountry with Tim operating the business on a fractional and seasonal basis.
Tim has also built his passions around content creation and communication into a revenue producing and occasionally sponsor-supported Youtube channel (YouTube.com/tgmorissey) which covers topics such as camping and making. In the past, this videography work has also taken forms of a wedding videography and scientific communication consulting work.
Tim has extensive engineering research experience which started at Alfred University in Alfred, New York where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Ceramic Engineering in 2011. He also spent a semester abroad at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand and a summer at CoorsTek Inc in Golden, Colorado. He focused on materials science and ceramic engineering at both. Throughout Tim’s undergraduate career he held various leadership positions in academic student groups, recruitment activities, and independent research projects. During his time at Alfred his primary research mentor was Dr. William Carty.
Tim continued to expand his materials science experience through a prestigious post-BS research associate position at Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. During his 1.5 years at ORNL Tim built and executed a variety of material science experiments in area of thermal and mechanical properties and characterization which resulted in many publications in both public forums as well as internal government and defense outlets. During his time at ORNL his mentor was Dr. Andrew Wereszczak
Tim earned his Master of Science and Doctorate of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science track from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2016 and 2019 respectively. Tim spent his first two years at CU studying energy efficient, clean, and cost effective manufacturing (sintering) of ceramics though a process called Flash Sintering. During this time, Tim was able to spend many days working on ‘big science’ using synchrotron light sources and other particle accelerators, earning a certificate from the Department of Energy’s National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering. This ceramic work resulted in a peer reviewed publication and other non-published work.
Tim’s second half of his PhD studies expanded on the interaction of electric fields and materials, studying soft robotics and energy conversion methods. Tim was the founding Ph.D. student for the Keplinger Research Group lead by Dr. Christoph Keplinger where he design and executed a wide variety of experiments that developed self-healing materials, ocean wave capture technologies and HASEL artifice muscles. This work was published in multiple high impacts journals including Science, and many press outlets such as National Geographic and Wired. The work on HASEL actuators was spun out into Artimus Robotics. During his time at CU, Tim held many leadership positions such as the laboratory manager for the Keplinger Research group where he ensured smooth operations of a large research group, Mechanical Engineering lead-TA for the department where he counseled many Ph.D. student though the trials and tribulations of graduate student life, hiring committees, and graduate student representatives.
Teaching was one of Tim’s first professional activities with experiences ranging from teaching preschool, children’s science camps, math tutoring and English as a second language. Some of these teaching experiences allowed Tim to live abroad for extended periods of time such as the mountains of Chamonix, France and rural Thailand. Traveling is a part of Tim’s identity and he has also lived in New Zealand, and visited Italy, Malaysia, Nicaragua, the Netherlands, Mexico and Canada.
Tim also loves to travel domestically as well. Having completely rebuild and restore a vintage truck camper (and video documented the entire process on YouTube), Tim has been an overland traveler all over the American West. This travel is often in support of skiing as Tim has consecutively skied every month of the year for the past 6 years (turns all year!). Tim lives in Boulder Colorado with his wife, Elyse, and two young sons.
Tim’s super power is that he is both communicative and coachable, and he pride himself is the communities he is a part of and mentors he borrows experience from. As a leader, Tim aims to learn from his team as he simultaneously leads them. Tim’s personal motto is “Celebrate success, acknowledge defeat, and grow”. You can learn more about Tim at tgmorrissey.com or simply reach out to start the conversation at Tim@tgmorrissey.com.